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Developmental Toy Recommendations 6-12 Months: Cognitive and Motor Development

by Mikesid

The 6 to 12-month stage marks a crucial period of swift growth and development in infants, characterized by increased mobility, curiosity, and a desire to engage with the world around them. Selecting toys that align with these developmental stages can greatly enrich their learning journey. Here, we present the top 15 toys recommended for nurturing child development between the ages of 6 to 12 months, complete with an overview of their developmental advantages.

8 month play blocks

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1. Soft Blocks

Developmental Benefits: Ideal for fine motor skills and spatial awareness development. These blocks are easy for small hands to grasp, stack, and knock down, encouraging problem-solving and coordination.

2. Activity Gym

Developmental Benefits: An activity gym with hanging toys offers opportunities for reaching and grasping, enhancing hand-eye coordination and muscle development. The diverse textures and sounds stimulate sensory development.

3. Mirror Toys (Unbreakable)

Developmental Benefits: Babies are fascinated by their own reflections, which supports self-awareness and emotional development. Mirror toys can also encourage tummy time, strengthening neck and shoulder muscles.

4. Musical Toys

Developmental Benefits: Instruments like rattles or mini keyboards encourage auditory development and an early appreciation for music. Playing with these toys can also improve fine motor skills.

5. Push and Pull Toys

Developmental Benefits: Toys that move with the baby’s actions teach cause and effect, and when used during walking, support gross motor development and balance.

6. Teething Toys

Developmental Benefits: These toys provide relief from teething pain and are designed to be easy for babies to hold, promoting fine motor skills and hand-mouth coordination.

7. Board Books

Developmental Benefits: Even at this young age, reading together supports language development, listening skills, and bonding. Choose books with high-contrast images and textures for sensory engagement.

8. Shape Sorters

Developmental Benefits: Introducing basic concepts of shapes and problem-solving, shape sorters are great for cognitive development and fine motor skills as babies learn to match shapes with the correct slots.

9. Stacking Rings

Developmental Benefits: This classic toy helps babies understand size and sequence, enhancing cognitive skills. Grasping and stacking the rings also refine fine motor skills.

10. Bath Toys

Developmental Benefits: Water play is not only enjoyable but also educational. Bath toys can teach basic physics concepts like buoyancy and cause and effect while enhancing fine motor skills.

11. Crawl Balls

Developmental Benefits: Toys that roll or move slightly on their own encourage babies to crawl after them, supporting gross motor skills and physical strength.

12. Puzzle Pieces

Developmental Benefits: Large, easy-to-handle puzzle pieces promote problem-solving skills and fine motor development as babies figure out where each piece goes.

13. Cloth and Soft Books

Developmental Benefits: These books are safe for babies to explore with their hands and mouths, supporting sensory development. The stories and textures also stimulate cognitive growth.

14. Taggies and Plush Toys

Developmental Benefits: Toys with varied textures and tags encourage sensory play, which is crucial for brain development. They also offer comfort and security, supporting emotional development.

15. Sensory Balls

Developmental Benefits: These balls come in different textures, sizes, and colors, stimulating tactile, visual, and auditory senses. They also promote gross motor skills as babies crawl or reach to get the ball.


Toys for babies aged 6 to 12 months are crafted to foster curiosity, enhance physical activity, and support cognitive and motor skill advancement. The selection of toys recommended is aimed at assisting babies to achieve their developmental milestones, all while providing ample enjoyment and discovery opportunities.

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